Ducky Does What Ducky Does

This is where I write about things.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


No Longer Here...

Thanks to somebody's not so subtle jab at my lack of updating via facebook, I just thought it was a good time to post this as I totally forgot I still had my blogger account active...

My (not so) NEW AND IMPROVED blog is now at  I haven't posted anything there either (but I will, swear it, I've even got drafts written that need some polish, but I'll be writing more, seriously).

Monday, December 19, 2011


Back Again

So I bought a domain name, and have had this blog (I hate that word) up here since this summer.  I need to update it.  People who visit this site are greeted with a sad insight into my life after dropping out of school and living at home, with no friends in town and no job.  A lot of shit has happened since 2008 though, and I'm going to get back to writing.  But what will I write about?

I'm definitely keeping it completely free of any "livejournal" style posts in the vein of:
"Today was soooo boring I went to work, and then got home and went on Facebook but nobody had posted anything exciting and then all the links on reddit are already purple because I went all the way to the 1000th post and found nothing exciting."
Okay, I wouldn't actually post something THAT innane (well, maybe I have before, go back through the archives here and find out).  What I'm saying is that blogs (damn, that word again) containing the mundane details of someone's day-to-day life are soooo 2004.  Okay well maybe they're still popular in the High School world, I don't know.

I hope that I can think of topics that will be not only exciting for me to write about, but that will actually be entertaining for the general public (or at least the small segment of the general public that ends up reading this thing).

Here are some of the types of posts that I'm considering:

  • Music:
    • Obscure album reviews/breakdowns (a.k.a. "I liked them before they were popular" hipster-esque posts)
    • Attempted analysis of my favorite tunes
    • Quirky musical history facts
    • General gushing over albums that I think are masterpieces
    • New music that I'm in to and why its awesome
  • Games:
    • Classic video game nostalgia fests (as if the internet isn't full enough of those yet)
    • Modern video game reviews
    • Minecraft, lots of Minecraft stuff
  • Book reviews (whenever I get time to read)
  • General random stuff that I find interesting and want to share with the world
That is just some preliminary brainstorming, captured right here on this very website! (That's what I'll call it to avoid the 'B' word.)  See how exciting this is already?  But feel free to suggest things or tell me that the internet doesn't need another rambling fool acting like people actually care about what they're talking about.  There's a comments section here is all I'm saying, feel free to use it.

Also a redesign of this very minimalist template is in order.  I actually like the old fashioned black-and-white look, its rather classy and simple, but I'm going to try and spice it up a bit more.

This time around, I will not back out on my attempt to begin writing here again.  Last time I made a few posts and got a job and then it was back to radio silence.  I will be drafting articles starting today, and will hope to have at least 3 posts a week, and hell, maybe some people will actually read them too.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Hail to the Chief

Okay, I don't write in this blog that often anymore.

But tonight, I'm just going to say...

...I am overcome with joy from what has just happened.

In record numbers, the U.S.A. has decided that it is time to start a new chapter in our country's history.

And if you are on the other side of this political ball game, I have to ask if you heard Barack's speech tonight. He never insulted McCain or Palin. He in fact, expressed his desire to work with America as a whole, not just Democrats, not just Republicans, (and not excluding third parties) but with our country. As a whole.

So there. I've made a political statement to the public. I swear, this will be the last time I do that.

Either way you cut it, history was made tonight.

Thursday, April 03, 2008


Will Work for Money!

Anybody out there with a job in the Nashville or Murfreesboro area, if your place of employment is hiring, I could totally use a job. So let me know.

I've already applied to numerous random places, but so far, no call backs have happened.

Adam recently tipped me off to some openings at Starbucks, that application has been submitted, and I'm hopeful that may lead somewhere. But just in case anybody out there has had someone at their workplace suddenly vacate their position, I wouldn't mind filling in that empty desk/cash register/whatever.

I'm not saying go out of your way to find a job for me, just, you know, if it comes up, I'm available pretty much 24/7.

And the shameless self-promotion will Thank you for your time.

Thursday, March 06, 2008


Phun = Physics + Fun

So I downloaded this awesome program the other day called "Phun" and I've been hooked on it ever since. To use it you simply draw on a completely open background using freehand, boxes, circles, hinges, and other simple devices. Then, you can run a real-time simulation that utilizes all kinds of physics calculations to make a lifelike, working machine.

So if that all sounds a little bit like an engineering class lecture, it is really easier to see it in action than to explain it in words:

If those two videos aren't enough for you, it's free to download this amazingly addicting toy.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Happy Valentine's Day... me, from me. My new LightScribe DVD-RW drive came via UPS today! It was long overdue, as my CD drive NEVER recognized re-writable discs, and recently could only burn CDs at 8x speed.

So this new drive solves all those problems, plus it's a LightScribe, so it can burn labels on to all my DVDs as well. Awesome.

And also Happy Valentine's day to everyone, too!

Friday, January 18, 2008


Jeff Garlin at Zanies

Larry David's agent and best friend from "Curb Your Enthusiasm," Jeff Garlin, will be doing his stand up thing at Zanies tonight and tomorrow (Jan. 18th and 19th). So if anyone wants to head to Nashville with me to see what is sure to be a hilarious show, let me know. Showtimes are 7:00 and 9:00. Only thing is, tickets are 25 bucks, and you're forced into buying two items once you get in there, whether that's food or drinks is up to you, but still, it's a two item minimum.


I mean, come on, it's Jeff Garlin.

So do let me know if you're interested.


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